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0203 28150
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Security tips

Please observe a few simple rules when using your online banking service. This will enable you to protect your account from unauthorised access.

Treat your PIN and TAN carefully

Never enter your PIN and TAN for “test transfers” or other alleged “tests”. Your Sparkasse will never ask you to enter a TAN for lotteries, security updates or supposed reverse transfers.

Secure handling of telephone calls, e-mails and attachments

Ignore and report telephone calls and emails requesting you to disclose personal information such as IBAN, PIN, TAN or credit card details and do not open email attachments of unknown origin.

Stay alert and set daily limits

Keep a regular eye on your account transactions and set limits for your daily dispositions.

If in doubt, block your online banking access

Block your access via the nationwide free emergency number 116 116.

If you do not have a telephone at hand, simply enter an incorrect PIN three times in the online banking login screen. Your access will then be temporarily blocked.

Always keep your PC and smartphone up to date

Ensure that you install the latest antivirus software on your PC and smartphone and that your programs and operating systems are regularly updated.

Use a secure Internet access and browser

Caution is required in public areas such as railway stations, airports and at major events. You should never conduct your banking transactions via a public hotspot. When using the Internet on your PC and mobile devices, always use a reliable browser.
